Wednesday, January 29, 2014


Please read this important scene and respond thoughtfully, using at least one line from the text as your jumping off point. What lines stand out to you? What discussion questions do you have?

Is Hamlet’s plan to put on an "antic disposition" working? At what cost? What does he mean in his famous “To be or not to be” speech? What is he debating and why is this significant? Does Hamlet know that he is being watched by Polonius and King Claudius in his famous scene with Ophelia?  What difference would this make?

Remember: Respond to at least one other classmate-- get the dialogue going and use textual evidence to back up your assertions! Also, this is how we cite Shakespeare: (3.1.23). 


Please read this important scene and respond thoughtfully, using at least one line from the text as your jumping off point. What lines stand out to you? What discussion questions do you have? 

Is Hamlet’s plan to put on an "antic disposition" working? At what cost? What does he mean in his famous “To be or not to be” speech? What is he debating and why is this significant? Does Hamlet know that he is being watched by Polonius and King Claudius in his famous scene with Ophelia?  What difference would this make?

Remember: Respond to at least one other classmate-- get the dialogue going and use textual evidence to back up your assertions! Also, this is how we cite Shakespeare: (3.1.23).